Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Craft

I am planning my daughter's Easter party for her preschool and ran across this simple and cute craft that I plan to do with her class. It uses a coffee filter, markers, or my favorite- the Do-A-Dot Art Sponge Tip Applicators ( they make dots!), and a pipe cleaner. My daughter colored this butterfly herself using the Do-A-Dots on the coffee filter. I then gathered up the filter together in the middle and secured it with the pipe cleaner. I made the pipe cleaner curly by wrapping it around a pencil.  It turned out super cute, but what I love the most is the significance of the butterfly. The butterly is a symbol of the new life we have in Jesus because He died on the cross for our sins and rose again. I enjoyed having this discussion with my daughter while she made the butterfly. The butterfly serves as a reminder that if we put our faith in Him we will have new life not only on this earth but in heaven when we live with Him for eternity.

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