We have been loving this as a daily reminder about the true meaning of Easter. I know that there are ways you can make these filled eggs yourself, but I went ahead and bought a set online from a Christian bookstore. I wanted the set to be sturdy and last for a while and I was concerned that if I made my own, it would end up falling apart at some point. It saved me time too! Each day we read a scripture that relates to the Easter story and then open up an egg to see what the symbol is for the day that goes with the scripture. My preschooler is the perfect age for this activity as she is excited every morning to open up an egg and read the scripture. I would encourage those with small children to try this family activity. I love having a spiritual focus with my girls first thing in the morning and they are such little sponges. My feeling is that the more scripture I can fill their hearts and minds with the better!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Easter Craft
I am planning my daughter's Easter party for her preschool and ran across this simple and cute craft that I plan to do with her class. It uses a coffee filter, markers, or my favorite- the Do-A-Dot Art Sponge Tip Applicators ( they make dots!), and a pipe cleaner. My daughter colored this butterfly herself using the Do-A-Dots on the coffee filter. I then gathered up the filter together in the middle and secured it with the pipe cleaner. I made the pipe cleaner curly by wrapping it around a pencil. It turned out super cute, but what I love the most is the significance of the butterfly. The butterly is a symbol of the new life we have in Jesus because He died on the cross for our sins and rose again. I enjoyed having this discussion with my daughter while she made the butterfly. The butterfly serves as a reminder that if we put our faith in Him we will have new life not only on this earth but in heaven when we live with Him for eternity.
Devotion #12- The Look
"Everyone should
be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19
I was recently the recipient of "the look." You know the one. The
one that says, "What is wrong with you? Why can't control your kid!"
The one that makes all your insecurities as a mom come bubbling up and your
cheeks glow hot and your mind frantically race. I'm sure I've had that look
aimed in my direction countless times, but somehow I have always managed to be
stealthy, keeping my head low and eyes diverted so as to avoid possible eye
contact just long enough to get out of there as quickly as possible. My sister
calls them "circling the wagons" moments. You get your little tribe
together and all their paraphernalia gathered in record time and flee, never
looking back for fear of what you may find.
I was at a Weight Watchers meeting feeling accomplished that
I had actually lost weight for several weeks in a row and proud that I would
find the bravery to bring my 18 month old with me to the meeting knowing that
she is highly mobile and loves to destroy things. I was attending on a day when
I don't typically go without my friend and her baby who provide additional
entertainment reinforcements. This
particular day I was sitting in the back with tons of snacks, ironic at a
Weight Watchers meeting, with quiet books trying to keep my wandering socialite
under control. This particular meeting she sat on the laps of at least three
Grandmotherly types in close proximity who honestly seemed to enjoy her and
thought she was cute- all except for the highly vocal one across the room.
During a loud segment of the meeting my little one decided
to get on the floor and scream. I knew she would get up fast if I ignored her
so that is just what I did and sure enough it worked. Disaster averted or so I
thought. A head whipped around and the stare lasted a little too long to be
friendly. The funny thing is I initially thought the older lady giving me the
look was actually being friendly so I enthusiastically smiled back at her but
then I noticed her eyes narrow and I heard her say loudly to the woman behind
her and to whomever cared to listen, "Cuteness only goes so far!"
It took just one long,
hard look. I sat there with my thoughts becoming more and more defensive.
"Did that lady even have kids!? I'd like to see her come back here and
trade places with me and deal with tantrums and chase a toddler until she's
tired!" "I'd like to see her resist stress eating her weight in goldfish
or animal crackers!"
I have
always admired people who are quick witted. My mom was quick witted while I was
always stunned into silence during a confrontation, feeling sick to my stomach
and looking for the nearest exit which never appeared close enough for comfort.
I grew up wondering why I wasn't more like her- fearless. Recently during my
Bible study time I was reminded in James 1:19 "Everyone should be quick to
listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James goes on to say
later that God doesn't want us to respond to others carelessly. Instead we are to be peace-loving,
considerate, full of mercy, and sincere. This passage gave me a new perspective
of my seeming weakness in my mind to hold my own during confrontations with
strangers. It wasn't a weakness but actually a blessing.
Quietly, softly like the gentle tug of a little one at my
sleeve I heard, "Pray for her because you don't know what she is going
through right now." It was so easy for me to wallow in my sea of emotions and
miss the subtle lesson intended for me in that moment- it's not always about
me. How simple to pray but so powerful. I will most likely never see the
ripples that my prayer pebble created, but they are there nevertheless.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Devotion #11- "Seek Ye First" Experiment Part 3
seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
I am realizing more and more the
power of spending time in God's word. I love
how the same scripture can speak to me differently at different times in my
life and it is always what I need at just the right moment. I love that the
more time I spend in the word and the more ways I try to get the word into my
soul (family devotions, personal Bible study, reading Christian books,
listening to Christian music) God will weave themes throughout that directly
speak to me. If you are looking for Him and seeking Him, He will not let you
down. You will not leave His presence empty handed. He rewards our seeking with
more peace I have found. He has the undistorted mirror of truth. Why would I
look in my dim mirror that is warped and cracked when I can see clearly His
truth when I spend time with Him? If I use this world's mirror I will become
confused and disoriented to the point where I am rendered completely
ineffective and I will feel that lack and emptiness in my bones. It will ooze
into all areas of my life and create a sense of hopelessness. If we look for
Him we will find Him.
Ann Voskamp in her book One Thousand Gifts talks about having a
spiritual experience at her kitchen sink washing dishes. "And I only
notice because I'm looking for this and it's the rays falling, reflecting off
the outer surface of a bubble...off the rim of bubble's inner skin...and where
they meet, this interference of life, iridescence on the bubble's arch, violet,
magenta, blue-green, yellow-gold."
Our everyday lives are filled with awe and wonder of our creator if we
will only take the time to notice. How we must grieve Him by our busyness and
failure to fully see the gifts He gives us- a gorgeous sunset, a peace-filled
moment, spring erupting once again, a healthy family. Open your eyes to the
miracle that surrounds each and every day. That is how much our heavenly Father
loves us.
I read somewhere that obedience leads
to blessing and that has been so true in my "Seek Ye First"
experiment. What started out as a forced, disciplined time with God has lead to
a deep yearning in my soul to spend time with Him and a new appreciation of His
word. The blessings have been enormous. I
have been keeping a list of what I call my "These Things Shall Be Added
Blessings." Here is just a quick sampling: a more peaceful home, calmer children, patience
with my children, more marital grace extended, better time management, honest
relationships with extended family, less
stress, motivation to take better care of myself by eating better and
exercising which has led to losing a substantial amount of weight, my four year
old interested in her own daily Bible activity time since she sees me spending
time in the Bible and hears me talking about it, family devotion time, and an enjoyment for my life and a feeling of
fulfillment in my stay-at-home mom role. Life is still hectic and busy and full to
bursting, but I don't feel like I am fighting against an unseen current clawing
my way along the muddy bottom making pitiful progress despite the effort.
Instead, the power of the current is propelling me forward and I am riding the
wave in wonder of the view from the top with this overwhelming sense of joy and
thankfulness to be allowed on the ride.
The best part is that these blessings
are not mine alone, but you can't afford to wait until you feel like it to
respond to God's gentle wooing. It is worth fighting your inner resistance. The
want to will come later once you taste and see that the Lord is truly good for
yourself. The cost is everything and it is worth the price to have the Creator
of the Universe as your constant companion and guide through this crazy,
wonderful gift of life.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Devotion #10- "Seek Ye First" Experiment Part 2
seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
What finally did end up working for
me was putting God first by giving Him the best time of my day, not what should
have been my best time or someone else's best time, but what actually was my
best time of the day. This change of attitude made all the difference. I'm sure
it will change with the seasons of life, but for now this is what works. After
lunch I put my 19 month old down for a nap and my oldest is given a Bible
activity to do while I go into the living room and spend quality time with God
in my Bible doing an end-depth Bible study, writing, and praying.
By giving Him my best time, I am giving
Him a sacrifice of my time trusting that He will give me that time back later
in the day to tackle the dishes, the laundry, the cleaning- anything that I have
put on hold in order to meet with Him. Somehow, the time is never missed, and
often I am using that time to talk to Him or think about scripture and what I
have recently learned. I was planning to have more time for writing once my
four year old started pre-school this past fall, but I knew that making time
for seeking Him above all had to come first. The miracle of that sacrifice is
that my writing has now bubbled over from my time with Him.
I do still check in with God first
thing in the morning and pray, but I have found that for me this time in the
morning is not the best for an in-depth prayer time or Bible study. I tend to
pray while I make my bed. For some reason it just feels right in my soul to make
order out of disorder and at the same time thank God for my life and all my
blessings. It starts my day with an expectant spirit about what He had prepared
for me. If I were to rely on this time
alone as my only time with God though it would not be enough. It could easily turn into a "drive
thru" prayer mentality with God- I'll say hey and put in my order hoping to get
a quick response and get what I want and then I will be on my way doing things
my way. A relationship with God doesn't work like that or any relationship for
that matter. Without more time with God
later in the day life starts to suffocate me much like a boa constrictor sucks out
life breath. The quiet time helps me to breathe easier. I begin to crave time with him more and more.
What started out as a seeking because I recognized my need, began a daily
longing to have quiet time. I have come to realize that I don't need more girl
time or pedicures or me time. What I need more than anything is more Thee time.
So I can say all these things to
encourage you, but it comes down initially to faith. Will you trust that God
will meet you? Will you make Him the focus of
your moments? I have heard it said that how you spend your moments is
how you end up spending your life. I
love God's seeming contradictions... for those moments will become big ones.
I will continue to share more of my
journey in "seeking Him first" by exploring more on "these
things shall be added" in the next
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