Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Power of the Pedi

I had a little mommy break the other day and it was AMAZING to say the least. I have had to start going to physical therapy twice a week now and because of that one of them is a late appointment in order for my husband to come home and take over for me to go. He was recently out of town for two weeks hence the reason that my blog postings haven’t been happening regularly lately. When he came home after his time away, we talked about my obvious need for a break. It didn’t take much convincing when the day he came home I went to bed at 7:30pm followed by a three hour nap the very next day. So it was decided that I would take the night off after my next appointment.

The appointment itself went really well which set the tone. I am beginning to feel stronger and my pain seems to be improving. I’m even breathing better. Afterwards I headed for a rare treat- a pedicure. I haven’t had one in so long. I opted for a more edgy purple color with sparkles that my daughter likes to call sprinkles. Every time I look down it reminds me that I need to take time to care for myself. Besides, I live in sandals and bare feet in the summer so it just makes sense. I used to do them for myself in my bk (before kids) days, but now it is rare to even take a bubble bath which used to be the perfect place and time to do them.

For me nothing says pampering like a pedicure. The very act feels indulgent. I love feeling the warm water on my tired feet. The sound of female laughter surrounds me and my writers mind loves overhearing the conversations. The candidness between two female strangers never ceases to amaze me in places like this. Somehow sitting beside another woman soaking your feet together makes it feel right to go deep and discuss anything and everything. I love the feeling of being taken care of for a change.  I catch snippets from talk shows- just enough to feel as if I am in the land of adults. I flip through the latest celebrity gossip magazines like I don’t have anywhere to be and nothing more important to be doing. The massage chair soothes as the vibration goes up and down my back.

I should do this more often. But I don’t. I should become someone they know by name. Maybe I will. For now, I will appreciate this moment and drink it up like I plan to drink that strawberry pineapple smoothie which will be my next stop on my way-too-brief mommy break tour.

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