Friday, April 19, 2013

It's All Okay

I'm wired the way that You intended for me. Questioning that and not embracing that is questioning You and telling You, the Creator, that You messed up and failed somehow. So what that I always feel a little removed from this planet. So what that my favorite days are being domestic in my home and caring for my family's needs. So what that I'm ordinary and not exciting and that I may never travel to faraway lands. I may never get to do exotic things. So what that I get excited about hemming my kids' clothes and shopping clothing sales for them while I sometimes sheepishly buy the cheap Wal-Mart shirt as I am about to enter the checkout lane. So what that I would live in Birkenstocks if I could get away with it. It's all okay. I'm okay. You've made me that way and  for that I thank you God. You never make mistakes.


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