Earlier in the week my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group made these and I wanted to share the idea with you. We were given painted wooden cubes. I'm sure that you can find plain ones at a craft store and then paint them yourself. We then cut out pictures of different chores/activities. We used Modge Podge to attach the pictures which creates a cool glossy effect. My dice has a laundy folding icon which can also mean that my daughter needs to put her own clothes away, a picture of lunch which will mean that my daughter needs to assemble her lunch for school, a gardening icon which will mean that she can help pull weeds (she loves doing this!), a taking out the trash ion (we will need to work toward this one!), a vacuuming icon which I told her meant that if she makes a mess on the kitchen floor she can use my hand vacuum to clean it up, and an icon of dishes which will mean that she can help unload the dishwasher. You can have the child roll a chore, they can choose one off the cube, or you can place the cube somewhere for them to see what their chore is for the day or that morning. My daughter was thrilled when I picked her up from childcare during the meeting to see that I had made something for her. I'm looking forward to giving my daughter more responsibilies around the house. She already does a good job of keeping her room neat, putting away toys, and doing things that involve her, but I think it is important for her to do more things to help out the family. I want her to understand that we all work together as a family to make sure that things get done around our house and that mom isn't a maid. I would hate to have to apologize to her husband some day why she can't get it together in her own home!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Chore Dice
Earlier in the week my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group made these and I wanted to share the idea with you. We were given painted wooden cubes. I'm sure that you can find plain ones at a craft store and then paint them yourself. We then cut out pictures of different chores/activities. We used Modge Podge to attach the pictures which creates a cool glossy effect. My dice has a laundy folding icon which can also mean that my daughter needs to put her own clothes away, a picture of lunch which will mean that my daughter needs to assemble her lunch for school, a gardening icon which will mean that she can help pull weeds (she loves doing this!), a taking out the trash ion (we will need to work toward this one!), a vacuuming icon which I told her meant that if she makes a mess on the kitchen floor she can use my hand vacuum to clean it up, and an icon of dishes which will mean that she can help unload the dishwasher. You can have the child roll a chore, they can choose one off the cube, or you can place the cube somewhere for them to see what their chore is for the day or that morning. My daughter was thrilled when I picked her up from childcare during the meeting to see that I had made something for her. I'm looking forward to giving my daughter more responsibilies around the house. She already does a good job of keeping her room neat, putting away toys, and doing things that involve her, but I think it is important for her to do more things to help out the family. I want her to understand that we all work together as a family to make sure that things get done around our house and that mom isn't a maid. I would hate to have to apologize to her husband some day why she can't get it together in her own home!
Friday, April 19, 2013
It's All Okay
I'm wired
the way that You intended for me. Questioning that and not embracing that is
questioning You and telling You, the Creator, that You messed up and failed
somehow. So what that I always feel a little removed from this planet. So what
that my favorite days are being domestic in my home and caring for my family's
needs. So what that I'm ordinary and not exciting and that I may never travel to
faraway lands. I may never get to do exotic things. So what that I get excited
about hemming my kids' clothes and shopping clothing sales for them while I
sometimes sheepishly buy the cheap Wal-Mart shirt as I am about to enter the
checkout lane. So what that I would live in Birkenstocks if I could get away
with it. It's all okay. I'm okay. You've made me that way and for that I
thank you God. You never make mistakes.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Devotion #13- Heart Tattoo
"You shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart."
Deuteronomy 6:5-6
Sometimes it is so easy to get overwhelmed with my
job as a mom. The day to day needs are urgent and time consuming. I could simply
miss out on the big picture, the real reason that I am doing this. I could effortlessly
lose my joy and not to mention my sanity during these early years of mothering.
During those difficult moments I focus on the fact that my children are on loan
from God and that ultimately my most important job as a mom is to teach them
about Him.
This past fall, I completed an in-depth Bible study
with a Community Bible Study group on Deuteronomy. I know, I know- it sounds incredibly dull but
hang with me here. I felt the same way prior to the study and was actually
disappointed when I initially found out that this was the book we were studying
for the next sixteen weeks! Throughout the course of my study though I
discovered that no other book is quoted more by Jesus which lead me to conclude
that it is really important for me to know it as well as to pass on this truth
to my children. Also during a recent refresher on Deuteronomy through a lecture study by Beth Moore which I highly
recommend, I found out that the book of
Deuteronomy is essentially a commentary given by God on the entire Bible. The
Hebrew name for Deuteronomy actually means "to explain" or "make
something plain." I am all for
simplification in this stage of my life and to think that God provided one for
me in His word is amazing!
Now I am not a tattoo girl, my typically sweet Dad
is very dogmatic on this point, but if I were these pivotal words from Deuteronomy
6:5 would make their way onto my body as a representation of where they should
be internally- on my heart and soul forever. "You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
The chapter continues with, "And these words that I command you today
shall be on your heart." Then the chapter goes on to talk about teaching
our children, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall
talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when
you lie down, and when you rise." Essentially we are to teach our children
about Jesus all the time. There is nothing more important.
After providing the simplification in writing in His
word, God then goes one step further in providing a model for us to see the
simplification in the flesh- Jesus! When Jesus was asked in Matthew 22:36 what
was the greatest commandment he replied from Deuteronomy 6:5, "Love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it: 'Love
your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments."
So all this to say that if I fail miserably in all
other aspects of my life but hold fast to these, my life has been a success. If
when I leave this world my children know these principles, I will have been a
successful parent. Being the coolest mom doesn't matter. Being the most
athletic mom doesn't matter. Being the mom who is the most creative doesn't
matter. Being the mom who cooks the best meals or makes the fanciest Birthday
cakes doesn't matter. When I meet my maker face to face and receive my,
"Well done good and faithful servant" it will only depend on these
two things: Do I love God with everything I am and have and do I love others?
It can't get much simpler or more direct than that for someone easily confused who can quickly lose their focus like me.
what does "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall
talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when
you lie down, and when you rise" actually look like for real moms? Stay
tuned for the next devotion!
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