Monday, August 13, 2012

In Need of a Savior

We have been dealing with some heavy stuff as a church family recently. This is a poem I wrote in response to that. I know that God has a plan even for the darkest events and I cling to that promise now. Hopefully, this will give you some encouragement for those dark times that we all go through in life.

My heart is heavy,
Mourning the loss of innocence.
The feel of death all around and closing in around me.
Wanting it to be a mistake,
Wanting to wake up to the world as it was yesterday,
Not today when the wailing is heavy in the air.
Evil invading when given the tiniest whisper of opportunity,
When darkness is sometimes easier then the light.
Too bright and glaring at times,
Too real-
The need of a Savior like never before.
Immunity impossible to this rampant sin plague.
Hunting us all down,
Infesting us all,
Impossible on our own to resist.
Blessed assurance Hope can be mine.
He alone can cleanse us through blood power,
When all other efforts are empty and meaningless.
Filthy like rags.
He alone can save,
He alone can fill,
He alone can make whole,
He alone can satisfy.
In a world filled with everything else-
Empty promises.
Brokenness like an inescapable stench.
There is nothing else.
No one else.
Love alone cannot do it.
 His love is perfect.
Only His love has the power to set the wicked world right.
Everything in nature worships Him,
Points to His glory all the time.
Why can’t we?
Why is it so difficult to cry out?
To admit defeat?
To surrender?
Lord, help our unbelief!
We need you now!

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