Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Cute and Kid-Friendly Craft Project

We made this lady bug brick paver this past week at a structured play group that we go to during the week. Apparently, it is a project that they do every year and I totally see why. I have to say I am a little obsessed over the cuteness of it! I am already thinking of other ones that I would like to make. I googled lady bug pavers and came up with all kinds of cute ideas for this project as well. You could make a snail, a turtle, or a bee with this same paver design. I have also seen a cat.

What I most love though is that it was something that my three year old and I were able to work on together. We painted the entire brick red with acrylic paint while we were at the play group. The bricks were then put out in the sun to dry while we continued with the play group activities. Afterwards, it was dry so I took it home to continue to work on it. During her nap I went over it again with red and painted the head black and the spots. After nap I showed it to her and she was so excited to see it completed. I have to say I was very impressed! It looks great out on our deck. I  love red and yellows as my deck colors and it fits right in and looks  cheerful. Let me know if you try this project or have done it in the past. I would love to hear about it!

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