Friday, May 17, 2013

Devotion #15- Heart Tattoo Part 3

Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7


Here are some ideas that have worked in our home to encourage a heightened awareness of God.   If you are interested in finding out more about these ideas and resources please leave me a comment and I would be more than happy to provide more information.

·         Spontaneous prayer offered during the day with the kids about everyday things such as finding a parking space, or a lost item, praise about a beautiful day, or prayer for people involved in an accident that we happen to encounter while driving.

·         Short morning devotions at breakfast- we are using Our Together-Time Bible by: Gwen Ellis right now. This also helps to get my attitude right in the morning!

·         Daily catechism-this is a summary of the principles of Christianity in a question and answer format especially for young children. We are using the one called First Catechism Teaching Children Bible Truths. I am amazed at what my four year old has learned by doing this.

·         Bible activities- I especially like the Favorite Bible Stories series. I purchased several of these at LifeWay.

·         Mealtime and bedtime prayers- I savor ones offered from the heart- especially ones offered from the heart of my four year old.

·         Weekly scripture memory- my daughter is in a local Awana program which has weekly assignments and a weekly verse to memorize and recite each week.

·         Post scripture to be memorized for the whole family on some sort of bulletin board,  wipe board, or flip chart. I received a mini shoebox filled with scripture cards for free from Samaritan's Purse that provides a scripture verse for every week of the year. Contact them at to find out more about it.

·         Christian music- we are loving Toby Mac's Eye on It right now and the girls love to sing along in the car. I have several Hidden in My Heart scripture lullaby CDs and I play them while the girls sleep so that they are getting scripture lodged into their souls and hearts. They are wonderful for adults to listen to as well!

·         Be mindful of and available for conversations where Jesus and Christian principles can be discussed. These happen more than you might think if you listen for them. It happens often for us during school pick up, bath time, and when we tuck the kids in at night.

·         Be an example of how to live for God yourself. I have a daily quiet time during my 22 month olds nap. My four year old is often doing some sort of Bible activity during this time. One day she got out my Bible and my Bible study book and put them on my favorite spot on the couch in the living room where I like to have my special time. I couldn't believe that she had paid attention to all those details so closely. Little ones are always watching us!

·         Be  involved in service with your kids. I like to visit a particular nursing home with my girls and we always discuss that the reason that we go is to share God's love with the people who we visit there.

·         Take meals to others. While preparing and taking the meal talk to your children about why you are doing it.

·         Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes- we have loved this yearly holiday tradition and while shopping for our child we discuss what we are doing and why. Check out their website for more information:

First, let me caution you that you don't have to do all these things. These aren't meant to serve as a one size fits all for how to have spiritually minded kids. These are just some things that have worked for our family. Second, I didn't start out doing all these things at once. It has been a trial and error process of finding out what works for us. Do these things work out perfectly on a daily basis? No! Are there days when things get missed or when I fall short of my job as spiritual teacher? A big Yes! There are times when halfway into our catechism discussion my four year old will ask a totally unrelated question (like last week!) when she asked how many more months until her Birthday comes. But that's okay. Spiritually equipping our children is a marathon and not a sprint. God knows our heart. He knows our limitations. He doesn't expect perfection and He can use it all, even the not so perfect. The main thing is that we are willing and that we make an effort. That is all He really wants from us- to be willing to be used by Him for a purpose bigger than ourselves- an eternal purpose, a willingness to live intentionally focused on making God the center of our family. I am trying in my small, limited human way to love my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is God, through His spirit, who allows me to even attempt this impossibility otherwise. That is how much He loves. How could I return that kind of love with anything less?






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